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Schooley’s Mountain Chiropractic Center



New Patients Welcome​

We welcome the opportunity to help you and your family heal and reach your chiropractic goals.

Office Hours

Hours are subject to change due to Holiday’s and other events. 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

9:00 am -12:30 pm &
3:00 pm - 6:30 pm






Crisis Care. Lifestyle Care. Performance Care.

Schooley’s Mountain Chiropractic Center provides quality chiropractic care in Hackettstown, NJ 07853 and the surrounding areas while teaching The 100 Year Lifestyle principles of optimum health, longevity, and wellness.

When you are suffering from an injury, pain, or other health problem, the chiropractic care we provide can give you relief and stability, and address the underlying cause.

If you want to reach optimum health and peak performance levels regardless of your age or provide healthy, drug-free solutions for your children and family, our practice will be a great fit for you.

Everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential through every phase of life. This includes YOU.

New Patients Welcome

We welcome the opportunity to help you and your family heal and reach your health goals.

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Our Community

We care about our community and enjoy working with companies, organizations, schools and sports teams.

Go After Your Dream - Live Yours!

what we do

We've got your back.

Life takes nerve. No matter what you’re into, repetitive movements and postures can cause problems for your body.

Whether you’re into work, family, technology, sports, or fishing, Schooley’s Mountain Chiropractic Center has your back with tailored programs to help you get back to what you do best.

Our chiropractic Team

Dr. Jeffrey Culbert


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  • Limber for Life

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  • Stress Can Ruin Your Day

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  • Summer Tips to Protect Your Eyes

        Summer brings long, sunny days perfect for outdoor activities. However, it also poses risks to our eye health. From the […]

  • That’s NEAT!

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  • The Long and Short of Telomeres

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  • Lionhearted Mother

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  • A Legacy of Healing

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  • When Does Old Age Begin?

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  • Rants, Raves, & Reflections of a Renaissance Woman

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